Sadie Quinn Baker from Every Life Has A Story

Becky & Zak lost their first born child, Sadie Quinn, on July 10th, 2010 due to pre-eclampsia & HELLP syndrome at 24 weeks pregnant.

Hummingbirds remind me of my Sadie~tiny, gorgeous, and perfect! I was nearly kissed on my cheek by one my first week home from the hospital as I sat on my proch, there began my love for humming birds! I particularly love the ones with green on them as I imagine Sadie would have had green eyes like her daddy and myself!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Your Thoughts Please!!

So, I had a most beautiful video made by Malory at Every Life Has a Story. I have shared it with my friends in blog world, but have been hesitant to share it with my real life family and friends!

Well, there were a few times I felt ready to share it, but something always came up (surprise anniversary parties, new pregnancies, etc etc etc) and I didn't want to ruin their moments by making people sad!

I want so badly for everyone to know our baby! I think people forget she was real, she was alive, she is a HUGE part of my every second of every day! I want people to know her story! She was born in another state then we live, so not many people got to come to the hospital, and of the ones who came to the hospital, most didn't get to see her. She is my baby, I am so proud of her, I am so sad for her, I want to share her with everyone.

I'm just not sure how my real life friends will take it! So...what do you think?!?!?! Should I share the video via an e-mail attachment, or should I not? What do you think????


Anonymous said...

I think it's a truly beautiful video, and you are obviously sending it to people who are important part of your life... I would send it. If your nervous, maybe try just sending it to a couple of your most trusted friends to get their reactions... But I think that it's great that you want to honor Sadie by sharing her story.

Becky said...

definitely send it. My husband and I also had our baby in another state and so when Liam passed we were all by ourselves. I'm not sure how my family really feels about our situation but he is our baby and we love him and sent every picture we have to family and close friends, and you should to, be proud and like Sheri said its a way to honor Sadie's life

Molly said...

OMG! What a beautiful video! I don't know how you couldn't share it. It is a wonderful tribute!!!

Jen said...

The video for Sadie was beautiful! I cried for you and Sadie was breathtaking!

Tammy said...

Thank you so much for sharing the video. Yes it made me cry but I wanted to know and wanted to see pictures of Sadie.