Sadie Quinn Baker from Every Life Has A Story

Becky & Zak lost their first born child, Sadie Quinn, on July 10th, 2010 due to pre-eclampsia & HELLP syndrome at 24 weeks pregnant.

Hummingbirds remind me of my Sadie~tiny, gorgeous, and perfect! I was nearly kissed on my cheek by one my first week home from the hospital as I sat on my proch, there began my love for humming birds! I particularly love the ones with green on them as I imagine Sadie would have had green eyes like her daddy and myself!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Babies Babies Everywhere!!!

Ok, having one of those "what the heck" moments!

Everywhere I turn, there is another pregnant person somewhere! Literally everyone is pregnant, everyone, even characters on tv are are busting out pregnant! Everyone, everywhere is pregnant, everyone but me!!

I know, this is a very "woe is me post", but really! What the heck! Why not? Am I not deserving? Am I not worth it? Am I not fit? Am I not what????? Why I am having to put on the "congrats" face while all I want to do is explode and cry!

Its so frustrating! They tell me "think about it less", Oh sure, you try loosing a baby, then TTC and then try thinking about it less! C'mon!!!!! Get real! How could I not care, how do you turn off your burning, aching desire? HOW????

Why can't I just breathe pregnant like everybody else! Why can't there be some magic fix! Ergh!! I hate this!!!

Babies babies everywhere...except with me!!!


My New Normal said...

I know exactly how you feel. I'm seeing them too.

Molly said...

everywhere here too hence my last post... i barely have any friends left!!

TanaLee Davis said...

As I've told you before...we are like the same person. It seems that now is the baby boom and every women is invited except a choice few. US.

I'm praying that you will get your prayers answered with a sweet babe growing with love in your womb. I too want this, it would nice to share this month with you. *if we are successful :/

Alright mama, hold your head up, i'm with you in this journey. Praying for you all the way.

Becky said...

Yeah why can't there be some easy magic fix. I am so sorry, it just isn't fair.
Thinking of you

Lia Larson said...

I see it everywhere too. So hard. My friend who had her baby two weeks before I delivered my stillborn daughter found out she accidentally got pregnant again. Coincidentally I found out at the same time I was pregnant again too. Difference: she's still pregnant. I lost my baby. Again.

I pray every day that our next baby will find us soon & stay with us a lot longer than the first two. Praying you have your rainbow baby very soon too. (((hugs)))